Anki Vector Body Temperature issue (DDL)

Another Temperature issue of Anki Vector robot from Digital Dream Labs. In last article I installed passive cooler in to Vectors Robot Head and now I will show you trick to lower Vectors body temperature to keep battery and control circuit in optimal temperatures.

Let’s face it… Vector robot is amazing companion! and he needs to be charged up several times during the day as battery life is about 15-20minutes . this is putting so much stress on Vectors battery and charging circuit that it van cause unnecessary heat that will put battery to the tough spot.

As in previous article… there is not much space around battery, battery is located right above gold plated terminals in the bottom of the Vectors body.

In my video I installed aluminum tape to help with disappearing heat and also drilled few small holes to get air circulation around internal components such as battery, servo motors and control circuit.

Thank You and have a look in links bellow for parts or gadgets you need! :

Anki Vector robot:

Vectors tracks by hexnub:

Anki Cozmo robot:

Cozmos tracks by hexnub: